Sunday Services & Other Media

Sunday services are at 11.00am in Church with safety and distancing measures in place. The services are also streamed live on our Live YouTube Channel and the recordings can later be found here on this page. Some services may not be featured here for privacy reasons.

The WOW services are for all the family and are particularly suitable for our younger watchers.

Services at Bradley for July 2024:

Sunday 7th July - 11.00am:              Morning Worship
                                                                          Readings: 2 Samuel 5:1-5, 9-10, Mark 6:1-13

Sunday 14th July - 11.00am:            Holy Communion
                                                                          Readings: 2 Samuel 6:1-19, Mark 6:14-29

Sunday 21st July - 11.00am:             WOW! Service
                                                                          Readings: 2 Samuel 7:1-14, Mark 6:30-34, 53-end

Sunday 21st July - 6.00pm:               Open Service

Sunday 28th July - 11.00am:            Morning Worship (Guest Speakers Milan & Shushma)


Stained glass windows

Can’t make 11am? You’d be very welcome to join us for worship at St Hilda’s Cowcliffe.

1st Sunday (5pm) Evensong

2nd-4th Sundays (9.45am) Holy Communion


Sunday Service
Sunday 28th July 2024

WOW! Service
Sunday 21st July 2024

Holy Communion
Sunday 14th July 2024

50 Years of Worship
Sunday 7th July 2024

Holy Communion
Sunday 30th June 2024

For more Sunday services click HERE