What's On

Services for January 2024

Sunday 12th January

We had a few internet problems (sorry!) during the live-streaming of the service. You can watch the recorded (FULL) version of the service using this link:   Morning Worship - 12th January

Sunday 19th January - 11.00am:              WOW! Service

                                                                                   Readings: Psalm 32.1-5, Luke 5.17-26

Sunday 19th January - 7.00pm:                Bible 101
                                                                                  New - See 'A Word From the Vicar' for more information

Sunday 26th January - 11.00am:             Morning Worship with Baptism
                                                                                 Readings: Romans 5.12-21

Wednesdays Together - Every Wednesday, 1.30pm-3.00pm

Wednesdays Together resumes on 8th at 1.30pm. This month Jean is encouraging us to bring a poem to read or share. 

Little Toms

Our baby & toddlers’ group, Little Toms, resumes on Monday 6th January at 11am, and Thursday 9th at 1.30pm. Little Toms  runs during term time: Mondays, 11.30am -1.00pm, and Thursdays, 1.30pm - 3.00pm.

Parish Weekend 2026

Ian will be taking names for our next Parish Weekend (on 2-4 October, 2026), once again at Scargill House, North Yorkshire. We don’t yet know the price but it won’t be far short of £200 per adult; with under 5’s free, reductions of 70% for 5-7s, 50% for 8-11s, and 30% for 12-16s. There’s also a 30% discount for full-time students, a 10% reduction for single-parent families, and 20% for carers.

We’re advertising this early because we want to give people up to 20 months to pay. This means even a full paying adult would need to pay only £10 a month. If even this amount is beyond you, please speak to Ian and we might be able to support you. Please sign up ASAP as we expect demand to be high. A deposit of £20 per booking will be required by the end of February to secure your place. 

Safeguarding training

For those volunteers with out-standing safeguarding training needs, guidance through both the basic and foundation courses is being offered at Church on Saturday 11th January (9.30am to 11 and 11.15-1pm) and Wednesday 29th January (6.30 to 8 and 8.15 to 9.30pm). You could do the basic on one date and the foundation on the other, or do them both together.  It’s essential that those who are required to do this training do it. It also possible to do these courses on-line at home.