A word from the vicar

An Advent With Luke (December 2024)

One of the joys of being part of the Church of England is being able to join in with the liturgical year. The liturgical year runs from December to December each year and sees the Church going through the life of Jesus. The liturgical year also runs on a three yearly cycle, meaning that each year we work through a different gospel. Year A is Matthew, year B is Mark and year C is Luke (with John's gospel spread throughout all three years to fill in the gaps).

This year we are moving into year C (Luke), and so we thought as a church it would be an excellent idea to do a deep dive into this gospel so that, by the end of the year, we can feel well acquainted with, and equipped by, the good doctor Luke.

The gospel of Luke is marked by great attention to detail [as one would expect from a doctor); which scholars believe is a result of many interviews with eyewitnesses of Jesus that Luke himself conducted. We also have lots of great stories that come only from Luke's gospel, from the story of John the Baptists birth, all the way to the two disciples on the road to Emmaus.

In order to get the most out of this year, it would be an excellent idea for you to read through Luke's gospel to kick off the Christian year. Thankfully Luke's gospel has 24 chapters, and there are 24 days this advent. Therefore, we would love to invite you as a church to read through a chapter of Luke's gospel each day of advent. The plan for advent looks something like this:

Luke chapter 1



Luke chapter 13



Luke chapter 2



Luke chapter 14



Luke chapter 3



Luke chapter 15



Luke chapter 4



Luke chapter 16



Luke chapter 5



Luke chapter 17



Luke chapter 6



Luke chapter 18



Luke chapter 7 



Luke chapter 19



Luke chapter 8



Luke chapter 20



Luke chapter 9



Luke chapter 21



Luke chapter 10



Luke chapter 22



Luke chapter 11



Luke chapter 23



Luke chapter 12



Luke chapter 24



Jars of Clay (November 2024)

The theme for our Parish weekend at Scargill last month was taken from Paul's second letter to the Corinthians, chapter four, verse 7: “But we have this treasure in clay jars to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.”

We spent the whole weekend unpacking this verse but, in summary, Paul is making the point that every believer in Jesus has — in the gospel message they've received — the greatest of all treasures. It reminds me of what the Psalmist said about God's Word: that it's “more precious than gold; much pure gold” (Psalm 19.10).

Qk, so that's the treasure, but what about the jars? Well, the jars are us — the vessels in which this gospel treasure is contained. It's a great metaphor for a couple of reasons: firstly, it reminds us of our origins:

“Yet you, Lord, are our father. We are the clay; you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand” Isa. 64.8.

And secondly, it reminds us of our fragility and vulnerability. Many of us made a clay jar of our own at Scargill and — as Simon found out — they were easily broken if dropped or held on to too tightly!

Like clay jars, we're all very prone to being chipped, cracked, and sometimes even smashed. But as Paul makes clear; this weakness is important so that we can't claim that the power of the gospel living within us is anything to do with us. It should keep us humble and prevent us from boasting in anything other than Christ crucified and resurrected.

But it's not easy being so fragile and it's often painful when we're damaged by life. As a Church we're called to play our part in putting one another back together and to refuse to judge one another's brokenness or the possible reasons for it.

As I've written recently, I'm praying about how we might create time and space do this more effectively at Bradley, St Thomas. How we might be able to share our struggles and be listened to and be prayed for in a way that’s not always possible on a Sunday morning. How and when we do this has not yet been decided; please do pray about it and come and see me if you have any words from God about how we should proceed.

During my sabbatical, God really spoke to me about how we need to have a space at which things not often mentioned on Sundays can be discussed sensitively and in confidence. And during our parish weekend at Scargill, God gave me a name for this new gathering: Jars of Clay.     Ian

The Romans Course: as recommended by Hercule Poirot! (October 2024)
This autumn our Life Groups will begin exploring the Bible Society’s Romans Course. It’s a ten-session exploration of one of the most magnificent books of the Bible. 

The author of the course, Dr Andrew Ollerton (who many of us know from the Bible Course we did as a Church a few years’ back) says that “if the New Testament were the Himalayas, Romans would be Mount Everest and chapter eight would be the summit.”

But don’t take the author’s word for it, the actor David Suchet – famous for playing the detective Hercule Poirot has said: “On all my travels, if I had the Gospels, Paul’s letter to the Romans and Andrew Ollerton’s book, I would need nothing else.” High praise indeed.

But why is the book of Romans so important and why are we studying it this autumn?  Well, Romans is – again in the words of Andrew Ollerton – “A letter that makes sense of life.”  It was written by St Paul to the Church in Rome and is often said to contain the gospel of Jesus Christ in a nutshell.

It certainly does make sense of life: but we have to be prepared to accept some terrifying truths about the human condition before we hear about the amazing grace of God that came to us through Jesus Christ. If we can understand Romans then the rest of God’s Word is made easier to grasp.

Like the Bible Course, the Romans Course contains short videos each session in which Andrew Ollerton helpfully unpacks Paul’s letter verse by verse. There are also videos containing testimonies of Christians whose lives have been transformed through reading this book.

We have a number of Life Groups that meet in people’s homes on different days of the week and at different times of the day. If you’re not a Life Group member then speak to Simon or myself and we’ll find you a place at one.

And if there’s no way for you to join a Life Group, you can watch the course on-line. By a remarkable God-incidence, our brothers and sisters at Holy Trinity (Greenhead Park) are also following the Romans Course in their Sunday services. You can watch these talks here: https://www.holytrinityhuddersfield.com/livestreams.

So, no excuses!

I’m really excited to be diving into this wonderful letter again. Please do consider joining me. If you read it and get it, your life will never be the same again.  But let’s leave the final word to the Belgian sleuth Hercule Poirot shall we?

“You don’t have to be a Christian to read this book. When I first read St Paul’s letter to the Romans in a hotel room in 1986, I was not a Christian, but when I had finished reading it, I felt compelled to become one!” Sir David Suchet. 


The great “little” women of the Bible (September 2024)
Way before the Spice Girls announced the advent of “Girl Power” in the 1990s, the Bible was making its own powerful case for female mightiness. But unlike Ginger, Posh, Scary, Sporty and Baby, the women of the Bible were not part of a wider feminist movement. 

The whole of the Bible was written in an era and cultures of entrenched patriarchy. Women were second- or third-class citizens, little more than the property of their fathers or husbands, not even trusted as witnesses to crimes they might have observed happening. 

And yet, time and again, God raises up women for his purposes, places them in positions of influence and prominence, and includes them in his plan for the redemption of humankind.

Even though the Bible was probably written entirely by men (under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit), women are repeatedly highlighted for their faithfulness, ingenuity, and courage. 

Of course there are also some female anti-heroes like Jezebel, and we also see the same human frailties in the Bibles’s women-folk as we do in the men. But that aside, for a book written during the centuries it was, the Bible is incredibly positive about ‘the female of the species.’ 

This autumn, at our Sunday morning services, we’ll be looking at the stories of some of the less well-known women of the Bible. Some of these characters have only a verse or two about them; others are not even given a name.  

And so, beginning this month, we’ll be looking at the stories of eight fairly obscure women of the Bible; Rahab, Hannah, Abigail, the widow of Zarephath, Naaman’s servant, Mary Magdalene, Lydia, and Pheobe. Three of these were not Jewish, two were possibly women of ill-repute, and one was ‘only’ a girl. Yet God used each of them mightily. 

Then, at Open this autumn, we’ll be looking at three more prominent women; Deborah the Judge, Esther the Queen, and – during Advent – Mary the mother of Jesus. There will also be an Open service in November when we’ll be looking at those passages that appear to reinforce patriarchy. What are we to make of verses like “wives submit to your husbands” and “I do not permit a woman to teach or assume authority over a man”? Can these really be in the same book that is otherwise so affirming of women? Come along and find out!!

We’ve also invited our actor friend Matt Britton to bring us his retelling of the story of Ruth; this time he will be coming with Emma Mould, a singer / songwriter who will perform songs written especially for this performance.  By the end of the year, I hope we’ll be experts on the women-folk of the Bible. But then we’ll be without excuse – if we have discovered that God can use wives, mothers, widows, prostitutes, children, foreigners, and the childless for his glory; he can most certainly use us too!!          Ian

Let's Talk (August 2024)
If you're as old as I am you'll remember the late Bob Hoskins reminding us that “It's good to talk" at the end of the BT commercials he starred in. He was, of course, absolutely right —it really is good, and healthy, to talk.

But if we needed prompting to have a chat with one another in the nineteen eighties, how much more do we need that reminder now? Many of us are so wedded to our electronic devices that ordinary conversation feels like a dying art.

Why speak face-to-face when you can text, WhatsApp, Facebook message, or Zoom? And why seek help for something we're struggling with when there are thousands of social media forums and YouTube advice videos to consult instead?

And the truth is, many of us are struggling. With grief, loneliness, mental health issues, addiction, financial and relationship crises... the list goes on. What's more, I know that sometimes we can feel too embarrassed or ashamed about our private struggles to share them. We may feel that as a Christian we shouldn't grieve as we do, or be as anxious as we are, or be so helpless when tempted as we may be. Shouldn't we followers of Jesus be “rejoicing in the Lord always” as the Bible fells us to do? Well yes, and no.

Of course we Christians have much to rejoice about when we consider our salvation and the blessings that each of us receive from our Lord. But our lives are not always easy and will probably not get any better if we feel unable to talk about them, share them, or – if necessary, confess them.

I would love our Church to be a place where any one of us can find someone with whom they can share exactly what they're going through without feeling judged or pitied or looked down upon. A place where we can admit that we're struggling with our mental health or with an addiction without being treated like a second-class Christian.

By, the way, if we were to "learn" about a brother or sister's secret struggle and think “thank God I'm not like them" we ought quickly to heed Jesus’ Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector in Luke 18 verses 9 to 14.

Not one of us would be free from shame if it were not for Christ. We need to remember Jesus' teaching about taking the log out of our own eye before pointing out the speck of dust in our brother's or sister’s!

In the autumn I'm hoping to hold some sessions to discuss sensitive subjects about grief and loneliness, addiction, mental health issues, finance, and relationships; not just for those who may be struggling with such things, but so that we all may better understand these increasingly common battles and be better able to help one another. lan

Front view of our Church (new build)50th Anniversary Celebration - Gratitude (July 2024)
We are coming up to the 50th Anniversary of our building here at St Thomas and we are throwing a big celebration. It might feel strange to celebrate the building of a structure that happened 50 years ago, particularly if you weren’t there to see it, and the building has just always been there. The reason this event is so important all comes down to one word: gratitude.

Gratitude is a word that is very much in vogue at the moment. It is praised regularly on shows like Oprah, is the main topic in a myriad of books, and is the cornerstone of mindfulness practice, which is also very much in vogue. The latest findings from neuroscience confirm the goodness of gratitude to the human psyche, it is helpful for many of our problems.

Yet many today forget that gratefulness is the default mode for Christians. What western society is just discovering – the benefits of gratitude – has been part of Christianity from the very beginning. Take these words from the apostle Paul to the church in Philippi as an example: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” (Philippians 4:6). Or these words to the church in Colossae: “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.” (Colossians 3:15). 

Jesus made gratitude a regular part of his life, for example when feeding the 5,000 Mark writes about Jesus: “Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves.” (Mark 6:41). Jesus does the same with the feeding of the 4,000 a couple of chapters later (Mark 8:7) and again at the last supper (Mark 14:22).

Christians have followed this pattern of gratitude by giving thanks each time they eat. Acknowledging with gratitude the good gifts that God has given us.

And so we come back to our building. For many Christians around the world having a building is a luxury that they will be unable to obtain. This might be because of difficult finances, or an unjust system that penalises Christians and mires any attempt to buy or build a building in red tape.

Our building here at St. Thomas is a gathering place for us. It is a space where we can come as God’s people; His living temple made of living stones and worship Him. We come to hear His word read aloud, and to have it expounded before us. A place where we come to break bread and remember that sacrifice, made once for all, for us on the cross.

Therefore, our default mode when we come to the 50th anniversary of our building is to celebrate, because that’s what Christians do – we give thanks with grateful hearts for all that God has done, is doing, and will do through His mighty Hand. See you at the party.

The Trinity (June 2024)

The Trinity has always been a complicated subject. After all, it is about God, who is himself complicated, as Paul exclaimed "who has known the mind of the Lord" (Romans 11:34). 

If we look past the complicated nature of the trinity then we can see the beautiful truth that at the centre of all reality is a community: Three persons in one being, who exist in perfect love and communion. It is from out of this community of love that all creation comes into being. God did not create humans out of a need to be loved, as he is already loved; and God does not create us in order to have something to love, as God already has that within the trinity. Rather creation exists as the overflow and outpouring of God’s love.

A couple that chooses to have a child does not do so because the love that exists between them is deficient or insufficient, but rather they do so as the overflow and outcome of the love that exists between them (at least in an idealised sense). So too does God create all things from out of this overflow. Therefore, God’s invitation to us is to become part of His community that already exists.

When we respond to God’s invitation, we become those who share in this love that exists between the members of the trinity. Just as God’s love flows outwards to His creation so we are then called to share this love that we have received with those around us.

Rublev’s icon of the trinity has often been a comforting reminder of this reality. The image evokes an invitation to sit down with the three persons. Throughout our day we will hopefully feel this invitation being renewed, the call reissued to come and sit with God. Here we are reminded that our value does not come from doing or from our busyness but rather from our being. We exist from the overflow of God’s love and we are loved for who we are and not what we do.

Throughout this month may you know God’s presence and his invitation to be with him in this joyful community of mutual love and fellowship.            Simon.

Ascension & Pentecost – Vision & Power (May 2024)

May is an exciting time in the church calendar. We have moved through the expectant waiting of Advent and the joy of Christmas. We have entered into sorrow in Lent and celebrated the overthrow of death and sin at Easter. In May we come to the formation of the Church at Pentecost, and the eschatological (final) promises in the Ascensioof Christ.

At Pentecost we as the church are formed and empowered to do Christ’s work on earth. The promised Holy Spirit arrives and gives great boldness to those first disciples. The people around them all thought that they were strange (in this instance, drunk in the morning), and society has found the church, when acting as it should, strange ever since.

As our society moves more into a post-Christian reality the church begins to look more and more strange. The governing stories that have dominated the imagination for over a thousand years are shifting and changing. Students of disciplines such as art, history, and philosophy are having to learn the stories from the bible in order to understand the shaping forces that have influenced their chosen fields, having had no knowledge of them before. As these stories shift so to do the values that undergird those stories. I am sure that we all feel the drifting apart of the church and of society, like great ice floats that are slowly drifting apart in the ocean. As this strangeness continues to grow, and we begin to look more and more like the early church did to their society, we will also need the boldness that the Holy Spirit enabled the early church to have. Before Christ’s ascension he tasked the church with making disciples of every nation. This is no easy task, and will often involve great boldness and sacrifice on our part. Boldness to look foolish, boldness to be rejected, and boldness to be thought of poorly. It also involves sacrifices of time and energy, and more often than not, financial sacrifices as we involve ourselves in the mess of people’s lives and feel God’s promptings to help them.

The ascension also plays a great part in this endeavour. The boldness and sacrifice necessary to live as the church in the world is also borne out in Christ’s ascension. It is at the ascension that we hear Christ’s assurance that he will come again. This is not the end. This event, known as the eschaton (the last thing), is foundational for living a Christian life. We as the church are called to at all times have one foot in the present moment; listening for what God is calling us to in this moment, being aware of his presence with us at this moment. But we as the church are also called to have one foot in eternity, never losing sight of where our true home is, and of the last things and the hope that is brought about by that event. It is only this hope of heaven and eternal life that will have enabled those first Christians to have given up their lives willingly to wild animals in the colosseum, or those Christians today who languish in prisons for their faith or who live in fear of danger to them and their familes.

So Pentecost and the ascension bring together the boldness and sacrifice that we need to be God’s church, and to live out his calling for our lives in the here and now whilst holding onto the promises of eternity.     Simon

How do you measure up? (April 2024)

Technology has made many things very measurable today. My phone will count the steps that I’ve walked and the distance I’ve driven by car. Health apps and clear food labelling can tell us precisely how many calories we’ve consumed (and how many we’ve burned). And with the right equipment, we can now accurately measure things like our blood pressure and heart rate.

But what about our Christ-likeness? To emulate Jesus should be the goal of every Christian disciple, but how do we measure how well we’re doing in that regard? There’s definitely no app for that!!

Well, before I go on, let me say that there’s no such thing as a good or bad Christian and it’s unhealthy and unwise to compare ourselves with others either positively or negatively.  Each and every person who has truly repented of their sin and made Jesus the Lord of their life is saved; but not one of us is truly ‘good’ as Jesus points out in Mark 10.18.

Yet it is useful to reflect upon (if not exactly measure) just how much our walk with Jesus has transformed us.  We Christians have the Holy Spirit dwelling within us and, if we allow him to, he will be transforming us to become more like Christ each day.

The bit of scripture that I’ve found most useful to reflect on this is the passage from Galatians about the fruit of the Spirit:

“…the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace,
patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
gentleness, and self-control….”
Gal. 5.22-23

We probably don’t notice ourselves changing to become more like Christ, but when I think back to what I was like in my twenties, I can see that I’m so much more patient, self-controlled, and peaceful now, than I was as a younger Christian.


In a very unscientific way I use this passage as a means of measuring my walk with Jesus. I don’t do it in a proud or conceited way, though.  In fact,  if anything, reading this passage usually serves to check the encroachment of any prideful thoughts.  There’s some ‘fruit’ that I still don’t exhibit nearly as well as I’d like to!

I mention the Fruit of the Spirit because our next Life Group material makes much reference of it. “Fruit on the Frontline” is a six-session course by the LICC that will help us to understand that all of us are evangelists or ‘salespeople of the gospel’ and we all have front-lines (at home, at work, at clubs, etc.) where we can battle to win new disciples for Jesus.

If you’re not in a Life Group yet, then speak to Simon, Margaret or Ruth and we’ll find you one at a time that works for you.                     Ian

A message from the Vicar

Most of you will probably know by now that I will be away from St Thomas’ for three months from the middle of April to the middle of July 2024 as I take my sabbatical.

Despite what Peter Coates has been saying (and I know he’s pulling my leg) a sabbatical is not a holiday! Rather, it’s something that every ten years or so the Church of England strongly advise their clergy to take in order to enrich their ministries and facilitate their future fruitfulness.

About a year ago now, the Diocese of Leeds asked me to explain how I intended to use my sabbatical and (take note Peter!) they wouldn’t have accepted an answer that involved three months on the beach with an iced Daquiri to hand!

That said, it is partly an opportunity for vicars to rest and recharge their batteries, in and amongst time set aside to read and reflect (something there’s little time for in parish ministry.) The Diocese are also keen for their clergy to experience ministry in a very different context; and it is with this in mind that I’ll be heading off to Nepal on 17 April to visit a church and charity that many at St Thomas’s support and pray for.

I’ll be in Nepal’s capital city, Kathmandu, for a whole three weeks and whilst there I’ve been asked to preach (via an interpreter) to their congregations, leadership team, and to their young people’s group. I’ve also been asked to teach at a discipleship course they are running and visit the many educational and welfare programmes they manage in the city. I might also get the opportunity to walk in the Himalayan foothills, something I’ve always dreamed of doing. 

I’m excited and nervous about this opportunity in equal measure. Anyone who knows me well will understand just how much I’m stepping outside of my comfort zone to do this. But I have a very strong sense that this trip is God-planned and I am at peace about the tasks I’ve been asked to do.

I’d love for you to pray for me both now and while I’m away; for my safety and good health, for my family left behind in the UK, and for God to bless and encourage the Nepali Christians through my visit, and me (and you) through them.

I don’t think I’ll be at Church much (or at all) during my three months of sabbatical as the guidance advises that I should temporarily leave the context in which I work. I think I’ll find it incredibly tough to avoid popping along to see you all - not being able to worship God in the place and with the people I most want to worship Him with will be tough.

I leave you in the very capable hands of our churchwardens Margaret and Jonathan (who should be your first port of call if you have any concerns and questions) and I know that with Simon, Terry, and the Lay Leadership Team you are left in capable hands when it comes to worship and pastoral care. In the event of something significant that you think I should be made aware of, please do speak to Margaret or Jonathan who will relay that message to me if they feel this is right.  I’ll also continue to pick up prayer requests via the prayer chain and I will, rest assured, be praying for you all each and every day.

Before I go, I’m planning to hold a special coffee morning at St Hilda’s Church on Saturday 6th June from 10 to 11.30. There’ll be cakes and things to buy and every penny of the proceeds from that day will go towards the discipleship course being run in Nepal whilst I’m there. The Church there are trying to raise £900 to cover the costs of accommodating the young Christians who’ll be coming from all over Nepal to attend this course.

God bless you all, Ian

Key dates and information:
My Sabbatical begins on 18th April and ends on 18th July 2024.
I’m travelling to Nepal on 18th April and return om 10th May.
The Coffee Morning to raise funds for the mission in Nepal is at St Hilda’s Church on Saturday 6th April, 10-11.30am.

Prayer matters (March 2024)

For many years now, the members and friends of our Church have greatly valued our prayer chain. For those of you who don't use this yet, the prayer chain is an email network that enables prayer requests to be shared with many other members, friends, and former members, of our Church.

At one of our recent services we were privileged to hear just how much our prayers meant to James and his family. It might be that you only heard James' story when he spoke to us at the service but, in the background, many of us had been receiving regular requests and updates, sometimes at times of urgency such as when he was rushed into hospital.

We'd like to encourage those of you who don't use the prayer chain to think about doing so —should you need to. You can do this by sending a request to one of the email addresses at the end of this article.

If you'd like to be part of the prayer chain, receive prayer requests, and join our army of prayer warriors then send a message to that same address. It would be great to know that even more people were praying for one another in times of need or crisis.

We cannot say how often requests will come in. Sometimes we go weeks without one and then suddenly we'll get three in an hour!

We have two important rules with our prayer chain. Firstly, we only ask for prayer for ourselves or for those who have given us permission to share their request. Obviously some of the requests contain sensitive or personal information that a person might not want sharing with others, many of whom might be strangers to them. And secondly, we are committed to confidentiality.Prayer requests are not nuggets of information that we then pass on to others.

Now because we are planning to increase the number of pray-ers on our existing chain, we thought that it was important to introduce a second chain of prayers known to everyone. We're calling this our elders prayer chain. It will be made up of just 12 regular attendees at Church who are part of our wider leadership team, and a list of these elders will always be on one of our noticeboards. The elders' prayer chain is not 'higher-level' for 'more urgent prayers', it is simply so that those with particularly sensitive requests can know exactly who is receiving it.

As our Lent course makes clear, sometimes our prayers are not answered as we'd want them to be —even with many others praying with us and for us. But, as James attested, often it is just the knowledge that we are being prayed for and upheld by others that makes our prayer efforts worthwhile.          Ian & Ruth

To join the prayer chain or send a prayer request, email: prayerstthomas@gmail.com
And requests to reach our elders only: eldersprayers@outlook.com

.Lent Course - Unanswered Prayer (February 2024)

The Bible makes lots of claims about the power of prayer. James says that “the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective” (James 5.16) and Jesus says that if we pray in faith, we could command a mountain to throw itself into the sea – and it would! Perhaps even more remarkably, in the very next verse he adds:  “whatever you ask for in prayer, believe you have received it, and it will be yours.” (Mark 11.23-24).

Many people at our Church can describe occasions when these claims about prayer have proved marvellously true in their own lives. Supernatural healing and other miraculous happenings are not reserved only for the Bible. Prayer is undoubtedly powerful and it very much works today!

But much more frequently – it seems – our prayers are not answered the way we want them to be; and at times we might feel as though our desperate pleadings are falling on completely deaf ears.

How to we square the Bible’s promises about prayer with the times when our prayers are unanswered?

This is the big – and difficult – and sensitive – question that we’ll be addressing on our Lent Course this year. Using material from the second Prayer Course designed by the 24/7 Prayer team, we’ll be wrestling with the confusing and, at times, heartbreaking nature of unanswered prayer.

Some of our Life Groups will be meeting at their usual times and venues to do this course; but Simon and I will also be leading two weekly sessions for those who are not yet part of a Life Group, or for those who are, but would like to join with us instead. These will be on Monday evenings (7pm) at St Thomas’, and on Thursday afternoons (2pm) at St Hilda’s.

I’m not going to answer the question I’ve posed in bold above - that’s for our Lent Course to tackle. But I will just say one thing that I think is of paramount importance. It’s possible to read those two promises from James and from Jesus and reason that if our prayers aren’t answered we must be unrighteous and / or lacking in faith. We’ll discover that this is far too simplistic a conclusion to draw. There are some very faithful and godly people in the Bible whose prayers were unanswered. As we’ll see on the Lent Course, even Jesus didn’t always get what he asked for in prayer.

It is possible to do the Prayer Course 2 at home. The videos and discussion questions can be found easily by Googling “Prayer Course 2.” But it’s always better to do these things together if you can make it. I’d love as many of us as possible to do this course because there’s not one of us, I’d guess, for whom this is not a pressing question.    Ian

Get Sticky   (January 2024)

We’re beginning 2024 with a real focus on our children and young people. On 14th January, the YBs wil begin Youth Alpha during their Sunday morning meetings. Superstars will be beginning a new curriculum called “The Greatest Story” which will take them all the way through the Bible and include parts of scripture they wouldn’t normally be taught. Then, from 28th January, we’ll be beginning a short sermon series entitled Sticky Faith which will encourage each and every one of us to be an intentional Christian role-model for the children and young people in our families and at church.

Simon and I have been thinking about this for some time; but it was given more urgency following a diocesan-led workshop that many of us attended in November. At that meeting Bishop Smitha reported some desperate statistics about the number of children and young people attending church in the Huddersfield area. Bradley St Thomas, is one of only a handful of congregations that can count more than a few under eighteens within its numbers. This is, of course, something to celebrate, but at the same time we must lament the disheartening wider picture and also recognise that even within our own context, there are many families still to be reached.

I think that we’ve become really quite good at engaging with our school and local community. It’s a joy for Simon and I to speak the gospel to every child at St Thomas’ School on an almost weekly basis. It’s also been great to be part of some incredible community events where hundreds of non-regular churchgoers have joined us for fun, food and fellowship. But this hasn’t added greatly to our Superstars and YBs numbers; and we still face the enduring problem of losing our youngsters as they move towards adulthood. Look around, we’ve very few regulars in their twenties.
Now I can hardly be critical of this. I struggled to find a Church to call home when I went to university and ended up being de-churched for over three years.  But what brought me back (apart from God, of course) was the impact that older Christians had had upon me as a child and a teenager.  My mum’s faith was indelibly etched into me; as was that of many Sunday School teachers, youth group leaders, and other ‘ordinary’ worshippers at Church. Their ‘sticky faith’ was instrumental in my own faith journey, and I’d love for such a culture to be grown in our Church.

Sticky Faith, is about allowing our young people to see the positive difference Jesus makes in our lives so that they will be encouraged and inspired by how we behave, how we love, and how we worship.  This is something we all need to practice both at church and at home, and whether we live with young people or not. Please pray for these initiatives and if you’re not already – prepared to get sticky!         Ian